The Cost Of War

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stuffing Their Pockets: For CEOs, a lucrative recession.

Another great article in this week’s Newsweek, this time by Rana Foroohar.  Newsweek has me so busy commenting on their stories I am giving Fox News a break about their biased news commentary this week.  In any case, I can not bear to watch Fox Programming for very long under the onslaught of biased and unbalanced commentary on a Fox News program.  So this article and Newsweek sports a chance for me to say job well done - instead of what are you thinking?

In Stuffing Their Pockets, Rana enlightens Newsweek readers on the stratification that rampant unchecked capitalism causes in our society.  Without checks and balances and government oversight the very destruction of our countries spending power comes to pass.  Our founding fathers put checks and balances in our three branches of government for a reason.  Capitalism is not a democracy.  Capitalism is a dictatorship.  Conservatives insist government should allow capitalism ‘to work.'  Being spoon fed that we are spreading democracy across the globe decade after decade is a lie.  We spread capitalism.    Bankers lend our corporations money to open up  new sweat shops in countries who have fewer human rights than draft animals trampling a rice patty.  The bankers sit back and collect free money, CEOs cut jobs from Americans and collect their big chunk of pie, and the working class is free to scrape by on barely enough to pay the cable bill and watch Fox News:Corporate Propaganda Unfair and Imbalanced.

Unfortunately for guys like myself, my job was cut out form under me in September 2007, a month after the beginning of the great housing bubble.  In my almost ceaseless search for my piece of the American Dream, I run into a nightmare of 'overqualified' and now due to the length of my job search I am considered through no fault of my own, unemployable. Thankfully, I refuse to pay for cable, which I can no longer afford anyways.  Each time I enter my father-in-law's home, who plays cable television and watches Fox News as if it was a religious sermon.  I can not stay long.  To me the sheer noise seems to scream at me like a bad dream of propaganda.

And so, history shows that banking and corporate interests are at odds with every average citizen.  CEOs making more money now in our ongoing recession than the profit-taking of the 90s are shameful to every out of work and hard-working employee of corporate America.  I think that every American should know that their employer's CEO is making 263 times what they earn on average!
“Meanwhile, American workers are taking home less in real weekly wages than they did in the 1970s.  So much for the idea that the financial crisis would somehow even things up by wiping out a good chunk of paper wealth of the plutocrats.  Indeed, stock prices have surged so much since last year that many CEOs, who receive a good chunk of their pay in equity, are wealthier than ever before.” Rana Foroohar writes.
This article is loaded with facts about how in general the more CEOs laid off workers the more money they made personally.  How can one sleep at night directly responsible for cutting thousands of family incomes while profiting and pocketing 50% more personal income?  The system seems ruthless and broken.  What the average person fails to realize is that they are the enablers of their own slavery.  As long as they go along with the system they stand to lose everything.  When at last they get angry and start making some noise, they stand to win battle after battle.  The power of numbers remains in the many, the people.  It is the corporate media that continues to propagate the broken record of this broken society.  Turn off that corporate biased television and start reading more balanced information.  Corporate America is feeding viewers more recession, job cutbacks, benefit rollbacks, and class stratification than the average American can stand much longer.  Get mad and start complaining.  At least ask questions and do not allow anyone to tell you that this is just how the system works. Mad As Hell!!

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