The Cost Of War

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are Americans Islamophobic? Or Is the Media Social-phobic?

Click to read August 30, 2010 Time Magazine Cover Story

This Time Magazine article is another bias written article by your news media attempting to show the Muslim faith as a peaceful religion. Seekers of cognitive thought are better served watching this documentary on Islam and understand without bias. Then participate in the news by reading my blog and leave comments. Thanks for your support.

Or World Social-phobia?

This Time Magazine article supports previously regurgitated biased politically correct view that the common American views on Islam constitute racism. Ninety Percent of the corporate control news media wishes to keep Americans in the dark about true Islamic values written in their own sacred book. The best way to keep beat natural goals and promote corporate goals is to pour gasoline on the fiery divisions between the common peoples. It is the common folk who drive gears and power hungry elite. Divisions between commoners prevent unity and form a lynch mob striking the elite to the clutches of an angry mob. Once again the media wants you to shut up. Do not be a racist scum! But let us discover the true bigots of the truth for discovery once again.

Let cognitive thinkers examine the evidence and set the record straight. Common folk need to apply common sense. Just as Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, let the reader come to the conclusion rather than force it upon him. How dare corporate America tell us how to think about a radical totalitarian state operating system like Islam? Is Islam so much like the totalitarian state we live today in America? Maybe that direction will benefit corporations by seeding slaves ignorant of cognitive thought and slave to mindless media expressions. As people fathom the actual truth let him or her shout it out to the neighbors!

The word racism is derived form the root word race. Those putting people of different races in a lower place among humans are racist. Islam transcends race and color. Personally interviewing hundreds of coverts to Islam of the African American race inspires a great perspective of the nature of Islam. Cognitive thinking does not conclude the same conclusions as the corporate messengers of the news media. The book, holy book the Koran, the perfect book and exalted view of the Islamic god portrays a deity pious of himself written by a proclaimed god man. This god man spread his faith and book of writings with the cunning of his last passages of “the sword.” The sword passage pretty much sums up the rest of the Koran and portrays Islam more of a society of slaves rather than a spiritual thought. How each individual dresses and acts in Islamic society and commits murder to advance the spread of slavery to Islamic ideals overshadows cognitive thought or morality toward ones common neighbor. The spread of Islam according to the book values higher importance to the sword-like passages of the Koran.

Peaceful Muslims - the masterpiece stroked with a brush of deception. The media’s goodly vision of an Islamic membership is a fallacy. Advocates and defenders of Islam say they are the peaceful religion. It is true that their Koran seeks a peace within the Islam-afflicted world. However, anyone outside the literal translation of the Koran in their view is sub-human. Christians, Jews, any faith other than the belief in Allah becomes a sub-human to a true Muslim. Their treatment of sub-humans is to over-run through violent actions and genocide. Advocates and defenders of Islam are correct when they say that the Koran teaches to keep the peace when non-believers outnumber believers. Peace tolerance is aloud for a Muslim who seeks a foothold in the next target country. Peace and tolerance is available under two situations for the Muslim. When the truth would harm the spread of Allah’s word or when the truth would harm the followers path toward conversion or martyrdom. Under the sword passages Muslims are allowed even to lie to non-believers and kill them who get in the way of the spread of their religion.

History shows all religions have spread into the masses of the world via violence and genocide. However, the Islamic Koran is a book written that systematically provides a social way of life for the entire world - or else! These are undeniable facts of the Koran and all the supporting books compiled and understood in full context of meaning. It is the corporate news media and our American government quoting snippets of the Koran to support a peaceful view of Muslims that remains a fantasy. A Muslim following those guidelines is required to kill an unrepentant non believer which is the only action which guaranteed murderers into heaven. Islam is the only religion that belief or good deeds alone do not guarantee their spot in heaven with Allah. Killing non-believers guarantees a suicide bomber the prime spot of heaven. True Muslims kill non-believers. Muslims that say they do not support killing unrepentant non-believers are not following the Koran. They are the ones that are not true Muslims the terrorists are the true Muslims following the law and way of the Koran. Writers showing Allah’s Koran in such a bad light are also targets of murder. A cartoonist in Denmark was threaten, discredited, and sent thousands of death threats when he drew a picture of Allah the terrorist. But the picture is drawn by the words of Allah in the Koran, not by non-believers like me.

I happened to live in the midst of a great number of practicing Muslim males on September 11, 2001. At the time, I was interviewing Muslims and questioning the harsh treatment of females by those who follow the Koran. Atrocious acts of cowardice committed against women in the name of the Koran came to light in the events leading to 9-11. On that day our interview became overshadowed by grave news reports. The grizzly scenes made everyone retreat into private reflection. As a result my presence in the group commanded less importance. I heard great shouts of praise that Allah was great as each mad scene unfolded on the television by otherwise “peace loving Muslims.” Their jubilation overcame the group so thoroughly that they forgot that there was a non-believer among them. This sub-human Christian at that time witness cheering and applause during the first accounts reported during 9-11. They recovered a peaceful facade later in the day when the sheer numbers of people kill grievously reported over and over on the news media. They had to explain how peaceful they sincerely seek. I questioned the many and few would talk about this question if their Koran supported peace or murder. One later confided in me that he is instructed to lie to non-believers to further the cause and spread of Islam. He could no longer handle the message of the Koran and decided his Christian wife was closer to god all along. He confided in me because he lost true faith in the teachings of the Koran. He feared for his life because Muslims are put to death for converting to Christianity where Islamic Fundamentalism reigns as a government. His message to me was that all hidden hatred of non-believers will one day overcome even the United States.

Why then do corporate controlled media need to keep up the facade that Muslim faith is a good faithful religion of peace? Maybe it is in their best interest to keep such a mask on the Muslims. In our present world corporations run America much like an Islamic Fundamentalist state. Look at the similarities between capitalism and Islam. Muslim societies treat women like second class citizens. Great violence against women plagues women who rarely enjoy rights of even an education. Women are treated as objects. Violence is motivation and guiding force in recruiting and daily Muslim life, not the betterment of the human condition. In comparison, the American Media watch group MPA who have full say of what our teenagers watch in movies, music and many forms of advertising and other media forms spend fortunes perpetuating themes that women are play toys and objects. It is okay to show women getting beaten and raped but not okay to show a woman experiencing true sexual pleasure. Sex is a mechanical naughty rather than a bonding of love. Violence sells most movies today affecting teenagers into a frenzy of killing like Columbine. Studies show that violent games and movies can not directly be attributed to like violent teen behavior. It is true that seeing a rape on television can not direct a teen to sexually assault the nearest female. But the whole theme of the media is seemingly to sexually frustrate young people and make them dream that pushing a button to kill an object has no moral implication. I think corporations dream of millions of American teens going off happily toward perpetual war on terrorism. They stand to gain the most by raising innocent teens into slavery toward a military servitude. War is big business. We have a perpetual state of war that even a Presidential promise of change cannot steer toward peaceful aims. The unholy partnership of Government, Corporate controlled media, and goodly Islam, arms manufacturers, and oil corporations, and most of all the bankers that loan them all money have grave interest in keeping you silent. Support our troops or shut up. Support the government policies of perpetual war or shut up. Support that we are peaceful group of praying Muslims until we get enough numbers to overthrow your government or shut up! Support Allah and follow the Koran or die! If unemployed there is always your government’s current number one employer, the armed forces. We will teach you how to treat the scum of the decade and dispose of their dignity and perhaps their life through the sights of the barrel on an M16.

It is not America’s cognitive thinkers who fall to racist views. Racism today is the lack of respect for the human condition regardless of race color or beliefs. It is time all races and religions come together and form a common oath that each human deserves the right to be treated as equals. Governments for the people, by the people, received by the people our first dreams as an ideal country. We elected a Black President with social ideals in his promises. Islam is a faith of racists against people of race. Islam sets the Arab as super-human and the rest is sub-human and will subjugate the world under Arab totalitarianism.

Let cognitive free thinkers everywhere create a new label to counter the constant mudslinging that goes with anyone who promotes issues against corporations, big government, perpetual wars, and divisions of race, color, faith and hope. World social-phobia is an organized effort to keep common people of all race, color, faith, belief and hope from uniting under a common social cause. That cause is a just cause to demand that all persons regardless of previous divisions are created as equals and thus have a common say in all the resources of this planet equally. World leaders once taught these lessons by free thinkers can overcome their world social-phobia.

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