The Cost Of War

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Corpora-tology: Scientology’s BIG BROTHER

             In David Michael Green’s article on “I Have a Dream: 2010 Version he asks the question; what Barack Obama is dreaming?  Mr. Green, a professor of political science at Hofstra University, writes a scathing review of Obama’s entire presidency and the inadequacy and ineptness of his many broken promises of change.  To free thinking objective thinkers it seems that our government has been bought and sold to corporate interests no matter who wins elections.  True change comes to people realizing that our government’s very constitution, politicians, and political two party system remain employees of corporations, banking moguls, and media “corpora-tologists.”   In fact, our political system along with its global and domestic reach victimizes the world caught in a web of corporatology.

            Scientology is a cult which depicts movie stars and other public figures as enlightened individuals who are placed in elevated positions while cultist followers are dehumanized and subjugated as a slave class in comparison.  The entire world seems fair game for Corporatology.  For years our government slowly eroded by corporate banking interests pulled the wool over citizens’ eyes in the same likeness as cultist blinded by Scientology.  Certain higher “enlightened individuals” of ultimate wealth, power, and corruption purchase political puppets to do their bidding under the guise of spreading “Democracy” throughout the world.  It becomes almost a religious slur to speak out against the world’s allergic reaction to democracy.  Democracy is in theory a government for the people by the people.  Not in America!  Government is for the corporations and those in position to line their pockets like the Grinch stealing the Whoville’s last morsel of Christmas cheer.  Absolute power makes our government a corporate dictatorship rather than a democracy.
            The greatest moguls of our government today in corporatology are those who control the puppets handling the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with our government system.  Yet it remains a thick lambskin over the eyes of common people who believe this is a Federal Agency.  Those in oversight of the Federal Reserve are former banking CEOs and other paid agents of the banking industry.  The Federal Reserve is the first primary breach of our so called democracy.  It allows the very rich in the world of money to give themselves loans.  By creating value out of thin air banking moguls cause the citizens to pay them back with income tax payments.  Until this primary breach of democracy is eradicated, democracy will always consume the interests of banking moguls, corporate domination of the world’s resources, and not the interests of the people. 

            We the people of the United States live in a dictatorship to a headless and nameless cult.  We fight in the name of democracy yet succumb to capitalism.  Our government shamelessly spreads capitalism not democracy.  This spreads distrust of America all over the globe.  If America were truly a democracy then our message of help would be required all over the world.  A true “government for the people” would place the Federal Reserve accountable to the people and not those of corporate and banking interests.
            Big Brother firmly wrests control from the people and control of the entire system through the corporate news media.  Government propaganda permeates our society so completely that few people even see the transparent forces that control 90% of the world’s resources today.  In pursuit to dominate all world markets, a few moguls bend the rules in governments enabling their absolute power.  Unfortunately for the people, history shows that absolute power absolutely corrupts.   The corruption in government remains enablers of the most destructive criminal forces in our society today.  These criminal forces remain at large harming people all over the world without regard of human costs.  Democracy will remain a forgotten dream until exposure shows big brother as a criminal cult of evil capitalism.  Our democracy will remain a cult - not a true democracy.  The people should enable the check and balances, as intended by the Constitution, to expose those lining their pockets to keep democracy in place as an evil cult. 

            What checks and balances are in place when bombs fall on innocent civilians overseas?  What checks and balances help our loyal troops overseas being fed tainted water by Halberton?  What checks and balances exist to allow the people access to see the faces of those who lined their pockets with the banking bailout money of 2009?  What access do the people have to investigate all the documents and evidence the Warren Commission collected from the assassination of John F. Kennedy?  Investigations in our society become mere lip service allowing the real criminals to investigate themselves.  If the people had true access to these investigations outrage against the banking moguls would cause their undoing.  True democracy would cause those same moguls to lose their power over the people once and for all.

            The people must take back their government by taking back the control of the Federal Reserve.  Thomas Jefferson in 1798 said; "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing."  Our founding fathers struggled against banking moguls of those days who’s loyalties and patriotism where grounded not on loyalty to freedom and democracy but to only personal gain.  These same forces magnified and leveraged by the Federal Reserve and the federal budget remains the primary fuel that allows corporatology to spread its evil form of democracy.   Americans live in a world taken hostage by this alternate evil democracy and will never be free until the Federal Reserve bares the oversight by the people and eventually phased out of our society.

            This will never happen in America until the people revolt against every government rule allowing corporations to lobby government.  The Supreme Court should rule against any individual who acts as a paid agent of a corporation in the affairs of lawmaking.  Every law written in a back room committee by corporate lobbyists should be ruled unconstitutional.  Last minute votes in Congress on laws written in the back room should never happen until the full details are read and explained to the general public.  Corporations are dictatorships not democracy and its interests fall toward the stockholders of the few and not many people of consumption or even its own employees.  The stockholders become the landowners and the CEOs become the king while all else are in servitude as peasants.  Therefore corporations are not subservient to a government by the people for the people their interests rest at nothing other than domination of their particular market share.  In a true democracy the people will need to rise up against those who seek to rule for the profit of the few against the will of the many.  The only fair way to succeed as a democratic society is to handcuff those who seek domination of governments for the soul profits of the few.  The people insisting on diminishing government lobbyists remain a cause for all citizens of a free society.  This is the dream of our forefathers and the dream of true democracy.

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