The Cost Of War

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Strong Message to Government

“People are really upset about where corporate globalization, one-sided trade treaties, and costly foreign wars have taken our country. Working Americans who have lost their jobs can stay at home in November and cost the Democrats elections as they did in 2004. Voters look for politicians who take a stand, who know who they are and can show they side with the people, not global companies that have no allegiance to the country that bred, subsidized and defended them.”  -Ralph Nader

This paragraph in Ralph Nader’s article “Democrats’ Corporate Cocoon” pretty much sums up the forces fueling public outrage against both parties.  Mr. Nader speaks about the Democratic Party here because he identified closer to their ideals in the past.  Now with Democrats floundering without a message after the mess that the Republicans caused with costly wars and pro-corporate policy he is calling on them to get with the program.  While the Republicans claim the Tea Party anomaly falsely for themselves neither party “get it.”  Ralph Nader understands perfectly. 

Every country needs a strong voice to vocalize such a people’s message.  Sadly, Ralph Nader comes off as a bit awkward on camera and may suffer slip of tongues at the worst times.  If we could put Ralph Nader in a voice like FDR or JFK we would really have a great leader.  For now, the people have to examine each an every politician they put in office and elect those according to their voting records rather than what the corporate news media pushes on us. Personally, I wish Ralph Nader would run for president again.  I would surely vote for him.  But people like Ralph Nader and Jesse Ventura shy away from public office because of the mudslinging from the corporate news media and other pressures from big business.  But the people really need to vote away from this two party system which has failed us and vote representatives that represent the people and not corporate interests.

Some people think that no matter who is elected that money and power corrupts all.  Those that feel this way may find their voice in this movement:  The Zeitgeist Movement

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