The Cost Of War

Monday, September 6, 2010

Newsweek gets it right!

I found some articles from Newsweek that actually stimulated cognitive thought and did not support the corporate message onslaught. For example I found this article useful and balanced. The Islam Idiots

The article is fair and does not support Islam outright. David Gram counter-bashes a few Islamic bashing people protesting a new Mosque on Ground Zero. He makes a great case about persons who simply bash Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Islamic spiritual leader in New York. David writes that the pundits sound like they are attacking Iman Feisal Abdula Rauf without actually researching the man's actions and words. Making claims against in favor of Islam definitely must be done with cognitive thinking on both sides of the fence. This is also another reason to look at what a terrorist uses for guidance in blowing people and himself into hamburger: The Koran.

In reality then, it does not matter what friendly face you put on Islam or any organized religion. The true measurement of the evils of organized religion remains the books that men write in order to enslave cognitive thinking. Also there is a enormous difference between spiritualism and organized religion. I see Americans waking up more every day to spiritualism that gives them the right to think with their own free brain.

The best article recently also in Newsweek was written by Fareed Zakaria in a September 4th issue. In this article Fareed exposes some of the injustices our government has taken against its own citizenry in the name of fighting terrorism. The overreaction shows exactly what is wrong when the government takes our civil liberties away and Constitutional guarantees; abuse! The evidence that we have overreacted to 9-11 remains convincingly strong. Any doubts that 9-11 itself was a carefully orchestrated government conspiracy in itself fall away when observers note how each administration handles situations as per the previous status-quo. No matter what each presidential candidate promises voters the winners of the election seemingly continue to do nothing to return our country to is former glory as a democratic society. Below is a list of activist websites that remain bastions of true change.


  1. After reading the article and watching the demonstration video i must say...shame on you people. Shame on you people who use their ignorance to fuel their hate, rather than fuel their need of education on the matter. Shame on those people who are so quick to shut down a request to build, basically, an Islamic "church." How is their request any different than any other religious building of worship? If we refuse them we should refuse and shut down every religious building or structure in this nation. Oh, but I bet that is just absurd isn't it? Why is this anymore or any less absurd? Never at any point has this mosque been referred to as a "victory mosque" or "deliberate disrespect" by the people MAKING the request, only by the "Americans." Citizens of this nation are entitled to equal rights regardless of specifics, black, white, brown, green, christian, catholic, muslim, anarchist, radicals, conservatives, democrats, republicans, or whatever. A citizen of the United States is simply a citizen of the United States. I mostly blame our own education system and media, which, mind you, are both controlled by the government. So who is REALLY the inconsiderate, radical, disrespectful, and religious bigots? Our very own United States Government. Please people educate yourselves before you kill us all. There are solutions that are of peace and equality, it is up to ourselves to make sure we are educated properly.

  2. I can definitely agree with you that this nation was founded on freedom from religious persecution. To threaten and treat persons based on their beliefs is strictly prohibited by common law. This freedom goes both ways, however. If anyone in this country feels threatened by an organized religion with bodily harm if they convert from the religion of which they were born then they should also have guarantees.

    In the case of a ground zero mosque, I feel the public is better served by a more all encompassing building. I would love to meet and speak with the cleric that would be in charge of the mosque and discuss possible other buildings and purposes. How about an impartial building of investigation? A group to investigate the truth in what caused all the carnage would serve all people and especially Muslims. The government’s effort at investigating the scenes became a mockery aimed more at causing confusing than answering our questions. America needs investigative arm answering not to the corporation lobbyists but directly to the American people!

    On those lines instead of rebuilding a world trade center based on money, people need a trade center based on a fairer standard. I would not mind if you called this building a mosque, church, synagogue, or building of moral fortitude. But educations for people who wish to break away form the rampant class stratification. It remains a fact that money and divisions of class are causing all the rifts and conflict between them. Educate people to build cooperation rather than corporations to conduct business. Show corporations that their model for business corrupts a few elite men on the top. Companies in cooperation work more efficiently because the workers all own part of the business and have equal share in policy and profit. Corporations are dictatorships. True democracy is cooperation.

    I just see religious buildings as separators. I want to see more buildings that group us into a common cooperation.
