The Cost Of War

Monday, September 27, 2010

Voters agree: money has too much power

Friday, September 24, 2010

Supreme Court Rules Corporations Have Equal Rights With Humans

 I found these stories very disturbing and wrote the following response below:

I fear that government of the people, by the people, for the people, WILL perish from the earth and that our civil war and every war veteran since SHALL have perish consecrating the ground from which they fell for the continued pleasure of corporations.  Corporations have everything to gain from us humans killing each other.   Abraham Lincoln’s vision of a new birth of government is continually blinded by banking moguls.  This is the lead kidnapper of our Constitutional Rights.   The Supreme Court rules that corporations have the same human rights to the first amendment as our next door neighbor with blood, guts, and a human consciousness to prove his humanity. 

I beg to differ with the Chief Justice that a corporation is NOT a human being. This confusion appears to be the primary cause of chaos in our government.  Since he can not as a chief of justice in our land discern that a corporation is a set of operating principles written on a piece of paper, we remain a country run by corporations not people.  This document lives in government files and has no blood to sustain it but only money.  Money is the invention of man in a fraction banking system.   Therefore is not even a resource humans need to live and breed on the planet.  Blood, however, has  human DNA and comes from the stars.  Corporations are not human although certain humans benefit from their money.

(Edit:  While doing the research to this article I came across a 1886 ruling that the Supreme Court of that time first gave corporation such a human persona.  My question to those with cognitive powers remains firm:  Why are corporations afforded such a human luxury?  If corporations are truly human then why do shareholders in absentee, own corporations as property??  If corporations are people then it should be illegal by the 14th Amendment to hold people as property!  Therefore corporations are either property or people and can not be both.)

And it is this human voice that is drowned by corporate propaganda on corporate news media and misinformation by money. It is the corporations who have unequivocal leverage in government by lobbyists in their employ.  It is the people who need protection from money and corporations just as colonial citizens needed protections from the King’s Will and the Bank of London in the days during an proceeding the American Revolution.  This caused our forefathers to write the Constitution to protect the people’s right to fair limited government.

Without immediate change our government will continue to be a sham of democracy and in fact be a headless fascist corporate dictatorship.  So be it!  Let them destroy the rest of America because that is all in their power under money to do.  Absolute power absolutely corrupts and corrupt will continue to bring on destruction.

Corporations have no conscience.  Corporations do not think.  Corporations can not correct errors only humans can.

Please for the love of god, higher power, or yourself, correct this error in government by the people.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Get Off the Grid: How to Make Solar Energy From Junk Parts.

I wanted to get back on the subject of renewable energy resources.  With our energy crisis with BP and other fossil fuel pollutions, I was searching for an inexpensive way to make portable solar panels that would work for rental properties.  Last night I found a website which illustrated how to take salvage material and turn it into an improvised power cell that can recharge batteries and low power equipment.

I find a lot of excuses that solar power is not ready and it is too expensive.  These excuses give little reason to toss solar power as an option.  Anytime a reduction of energy dependence on fossil fuel can be found the planet smiles a little bit and your pocketbook saves a lot.  If everyone in America fitted some sort of alternate energy combination for their homes the demand for electricity from the power company’s grid would plummet.  In fact, if done correctly the power company would have to pay the individuals for power. 

I found a lot of websites that where selling information kits saying you can make solar panels for under $100-200.  I did not have the $49.95 available to buy this information, however.  But this site was free and the author is ingenious using surplus items.

A lot of good information found here at to make the solar panels.  Another good article on this site is making rain barrels to utilize roof rainwater for watering gardens.  There are a lot of ingenious designs that an enterprising Americans can put to good use as individuals.  We need to rekindle this energy to solve our pollutions problems and energy needs.  Conserving water is another good conservation practice.  There are a lot of countries where citizens do not have clean water to drink.

This brings to mind the plight of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador which has been polluted by Texaco Oil, currently owned by Chevron.   Exxon and BP seem small next to the ecological disaster Texaco Oil perpetrated; they dumped waste oil in the rivers and headwaters of the Amazon River from 1964 to 1992!  For 15 years Chevron has battled in courts against settling this disaster in the Amazon forest.  The Amazon rain forest is an area that supplies the world with 20% of the Earth’s oxygen, yet Chevron still refuses to settle the dispute or clean up their mess.  I guess the world will have to literally hold their breath.

Please do not hold your breath.  Please get off the grid.  Tell those uncaring, corporate oil tycoons and fossil fuel polluting devils that their dirty energy is no longer required.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Good Time for a Time Out!

I highly recommend the Ramada’s Spa King Suite in Olympia, Washington and the services of  My wife wanted to find a special place for us to celebrate my 49th birthday and the 2nd anniversary of meeting each other. helped us research and find the spectacular suite of luxury at a great price at Ramada.  We required a hot tub in our room to fulfill a bonding fantasy of ours and the double room suite at Ramada made our dreams come true.  Rooms of this caliber in the Washington State consistently ran up a payment of $500 or more but through we acquired this room for only $175 including tax.  This is an outstanding value which normally costs $249 according to Ramada. 

The room was a double size two room suite with a beautiful king sized bed with a wood carved headboard.  It was decked out with plush cozy four puffy pillows and brand new linens.  Plentiful cleaning staff was sited throughout the hotel giving attention to cleanliness and details of comfort. In the main room, the hot tub prominently commanded attention to its size which could seat 4 guests comfortably in the soothing bubbly.  A large couch faced an entertainment center where you could call up movies, television, music and video games.  Out the picture window a view of the lush outside greenery centered attention to our favorite restraint where we ate dinner that evening – Red Lobster.  There a wonderful server named David attended to our culinary fantasy of the seafood type.

The hotel served a complementary breakfast the next morning almost every imaginable item to start the day anew.  A buffet style service area allowed you to build your own breakfast from cereal to scrambled eggs and sausage gravy biscuits.  Everything was great.  All manor and flavor of coffee teas and juices were available and one could even create waffles on the self serve waffle grills.  Adding a pinch of salt I enjoyed seconds of the sausage gravy.  The service here made sure everything was kept stocked and sanitary.  As a chef of past employment I appreciated the effort that went into keeping this area above and beyond expected standards.

On leaving I teased my wife that should could sit in the huge bathroom and call room service on the phone inside.  In the bathroom area you could see that the walk in shower could easily be used by couples so romantically inclined to do so.  As a critique of corporations and capitalism, I must say that the Ramada, Red Lobster, and certainly impressed us both.  This was an adventure well worth our time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A New Look at the 9/11 Commission

A New Look at the 9/11 Commission

This article in Time suggests a cast of doubt on the official version of events. They interview an author of the new book, The Ground Truth. He does not seem to go deep enough into the government's ongoing strategy to keep America in endless wars. The motivation is there. Bankers, arms manufacturing, oil, resources, CIA, all contributed to the conspiracy. Whether some government agents where in on it or just help to cover up those truly involved - the facts show that government officials hid the true facts from us as they often do. The following exerts show the continuing cover-up:

Why do you think officials tried to obscure some of the faulty decision making and communication on 9/11?
It's almost a culture of concealment, for lack of a better word. You have someone like Sandy Berger, who by all accounts is a decent guy, taking rather extreme measures to remove documents from the National Archives and hide them at a construction site where he could retrieve them later and destroy them. There were interviews made at the FAA's New York center the night of 9/11 and those tapes were destroyed. The CIA tapes of the interrogations were destroyed. The story of 9/11 itself, to put it mildly, was distorted and was completely different from the way things happened."

Read more:,8599,1921659,00.html#ixzz0zjJwNdFO

Monday, September 13, 2010

9/11 Video

9/11 Video

This video page contains the proof, documented by reputable sources, that the government continues its perpetual "war on terror" - based on events  which government aided and inconsistently cover up its own involvement.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Corpora-tology: Scientology’s BIG BROTHER

             In David Michael Green’s article on “I Have a Dream: 2010 Version he asks the question; what Barack Obama is dreaming?  Mr. Green, a professor of political science at Hofstra University, writes a scathing review of Obama’s entire presidency and the inadequacy and ineptness of his many broken promises of change.  To free thinking objective thinkers it seems that our government has been bought and sold to corporate interests no matter who wins elections.  True change comes to people realizing that our government’s very constitution, politicians, and political two party system remain employees of corporations, banking moguls, and media “corpora-tologists.”   In fact, our political system along with its global and domestic reach victimizes the world caught in a web of corporatology.

            Scientology is a cult which depicts movie stars and other public figures as enlightened individuals who are placed in elevated positions while cultist followers are dehumanized and subjugated as a slave class in comparison.  The entire world seems fair game for Corporatology.  For years our government slowly eroded by corporate banking interests pulled the wool over citizens’ eyes in the same likeness as cultist blinded by Scientology.  Certain higher “enlightened individuals” of ultimate wealth, power, and corruption purchase political puppets to do their bidding under the guise of spreading “Democracy” throughout the world.  It becomes almost a religious slur to speak out against the world’s allergic reaction to democracy.  Democracy is in theory a government for the people by the people.  Not in America!  Government is for the corporations and those in position to line their pockets like the Grinch stealing the Whoville’s last morsel of Christmas cheer.  Absolute power makes our government a corporate dictatorship rather than a democracy.
            The greatest moguls of our government today in corporatology are those who control the puppets handling the Federal Reserve.  The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with our government system.  Yet it remains a thick lambskin over the eyes of common people who believe this is a Federal Agency.  Those in oversight of the Federal Reserve are former banking CEOs and other paid agents of the banking industry.  The Federal Reserve is the first primary breach of our so called democracy.  It allows the very rich in the world of money to give themselves loans.  By creating value out of thin air banking moguls cause the citizens to pay them back with income tax payments.  Until this primary breach of democracy is eradicated, democracy will always consume the interests of banking moguls, corporate domination of the world’s resources, and not the interests of the people. 

            We the people of the United States live in a dictatorship to a headless and nameless cult.  We fight in the name of democracy yet succumb to capitalism.  Our government shamelessly spreads capitalism not democracy.  This spreads distrust of America all over the globe.  If America were truly a democracy then our message of help would be required all over the world.  A true “government for the people” would place the Federal Reserve accountable to the people and not those of corporate and banking interests.
            Big Brother firmly wrests control from the people and control of the entire system through the corporate news media.  Government propaganda permeates our society so completely that few people even see the transparent forces that control 90% of the world’s resources today.  In pursuit to dominate all world markets, a few moguls bend the rules in governments enabling their absolute power.  Unfortunately for the people, history shows that absolute power absolutely corrupts.   The corruption in government remains enablers of the most destructive criminal forces in our society today.  These criminal forces remain at large harming people all over the world without regard of human costs.  Democracy will remain a forgotten dream until exposure shows big brother as a criminal cult of evil capitalism.  Our democracy will remain a cult - not a true democracy.  The people should enable the check and balances, as intended by the Constitution, to expose those lining their pockets to keep democracy in place as an evil cult. 

            What checks and balances are in place when bombs fall on innocent civilians overseas?  What checks and balances help our loyal troops overseas being fed tainted water by Halberton?  What checks and balances exist to allow the people access to see the faces of those who lined their pockets with the banking bailout money of 2009?  What access do the people have to investigate all the documents and evidence the Warren Commission collected from the assassination of John F. Kennedy?  Investigations in our society become mere lip service allowing the real criminals to investigate themselves.  If the people had true access to these investigations outrage against the banking moguls would cause their undoing.  True democracy would cause those same moguls to lose their power over the people once and for all.

            The people must take back their government by taking back the control of the Federal Reserve.  Thomas Jefferson in 1798 said; "I wish it were possible to obtain a single amendment to our Constitution - taking from the federal government their power of borrowing."  Our founding fathers struggled against banking moguls of those days who’s loyalties and patriotism where grounded not on loyalty to freedom and democracy but to only personal gain.  These same forces magnified and leveraged by the Federal Reserve and the federal budget remains the primary fuel that allows corporatology to spread its evil form of democracy.   Americans live in a world taken hostage by this alternate evil democracy and will never be free until the Federal Reserve bares the oversight by the people and eventually phased out of our society.

            This will never happen in America until the people revolt against every government rule allowing corporations to lobby government.  The Supreme Court should rule against any individual who acts as a paid agent of a corporation in the affairs of lawmaking.  Every law written in a back room committee by corporate lobbyists should be ruled unconstitutional.  Last minute votes in Congress on laws written in the back room should never happen until the full details are read and explained to the general public.  Corporations are dictatorships not democracy and its interests fall toward the stockholders of the few and not many people of consumption or even its own employees.  The stockholders become the landowners and the CEOs become the king while all else are in servitude as peasants.  Therefore corporations are not subservient to a government by the people for the people their interests rest at nothing other than domination of their particular market share.  In a true democracy the people will need to rise up against those who seek to rule for the profit of the few against the will of the many.  The only fair way to succeed as a democratic society is to handcuff those who seek domination of governments for the soul profits of the few.  The people insisting on diminishing government lobbyists remain a cause for all citizens of a free society.  This is the dream of our forefathers and the dream of true democracy.

A Strong Message to Government

“People are really upset about where corporate globalization, one-sided trade treaties, and costly foreign wars have taken our country. Working Americans who have lost their jobs can stay at home in November and cost the Democrats elections as they did in 2004. Voters look for politicians who take a stand, who know who they are and can show they side with the people, not global companies that have no allegiance to the country that bred, subsidized and defended them.”  -Ralph Nader

This paragraph in Ralph Nader’s article “Democrats’ Corporate Cocoon” pretty much sums up the forces fueling public outrage against both parties.  Mr. Nader speaks about the Democratic Party here because he identified closer to their ideals in the past.  Now with Democrats floundering without a message after the mess that the Republicans caused with costly wars and pro-corporate policy he is calling on them to get with the program.  While the Republicans claim the Tea Party anomaly falsely for themselves neither party “get it.”  Ralph Nader understands perfectly. 

Every country needs a strong voice to vocalize such a people’s message.  Sadly, Ralph Nader comes off as a bit awkward on camera and may suffer slip of tongues at the worst times.  If we could put Ralph Nader in a voice like FDR or JFK we would really have a great leader.  For now, the people have to examine each an every politician they put in office and elect those according to their voting records rather than what the corporate news media pushes on us. Personally, I wish Ralph Nader would run for president again.  I would surely vote for him.  But people like Ralph Nader and Jesse Ventura shy away from public office because of the mudslinging from the corporate news media and other pressures from big business.  But the people really need to vote away from this two party system which has failed us and vote representatives that represent the people and not corporate interests.

Some people think that no matter who is elected that money and power corrupts all.  Those that feel this way may find their voice in this movement:  The Zeitgeist Movement

Friday, September 10, 2010

BBC: Useful Worldly News

BBC: Useful Worldly News

I enjoy the BBC News because reporters and journalists are still paid to helps readers find investigative news and not biased corporate propaganda like the American News media.  I read some coverage of President Obama in our media and found only regurgitated partisan politic propaganda.  On the BBC a reader can see more direct quotes from the President rather than a who’s who of the latest mudslinging campaigns.  I browsed the BBC today after getting discussed at domestic coverage of today’s Obama speech and found some good articles.  On the BBC, readers can enjoy issues and journalism that affects their every day life.  You can also find the best ongoing investigations of corporate corruption on the BBC.  A corporation gets its motivation from stock profits for its stockholders and will increase its value against the face of people all over the world.  Corporations will stop at nothing including knowingly harm citizens to increase their market share.  This is why it is most important for journalism to investigate and expose the offenders.  It is this exposure process that affects corporate policy when enraged citizens make noise.

Here are some good articles and stories to follow today:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Stuffing Their Pockets: For CEOs, a lucrative recession.

Another great article in this week’s Newsweek, this time by Rana Foroohar.  Newsweek has me so busy commenting on their stories I am giving Fox News a break about their biased news commentary this week.  In any case, I can not bear to watch Fox Programming for very long under the onslaught of biased and unbalanced commentary on a Fox News program.  So this article and Newsweek sports a chance for me to say job well done - instead of what are you thinking?

In Stuffing Their Pockets, Rana enlightens Newsweek readers on the stratification that rampant unchecked capitalism causes in our society.  Without checks and balances and government oversight the very destruction of our countries spending power comes to pass.  Our founding fathers put checks and balances in our three branches of government for a reason.  Capitalism is not a democracy.  Capitalism is a dictatorship.  Conservatives insist government should allow capitalism ‘to work.'  Being spoon fed that we are spreading democracy across the globe decade after decade is a lie.  We spread capitalism.    Bankers lend our corporations money to open up  new sweat shops in countries who have fewer human rights than draft animals trampling a rice patty.  The bankers sit back and collect free money, CEOs cut jobs from Americans and collect their big chunk of pie, and the working class is free to scrape by on barely enough to pay the cable bill and watch Fox News:Corporate Propaganda Unfair and Imbalanced.

Unfortunately for guys like myself, my job was cut out form under me in September 2007, a month after the beginning of the great housing bubble.  In my almost ceaseless search for my piece of the American Dream, I run into a nightmare of 'overqualified' and now due to the length of my job search I am considered through no fault of my own, unemployable. Thankfully, I refuse to pay for cable, which I can no longer afford anyways.  Each time I enter my father-in-law's home, who plays cable television and watches Fox News as if it was a religious sermon.  I can not stay long.  To me the sheer noise seems to scream at me like a bad dream of propaganda.

And so, history shows that banking and corporate interests are at odds with every average citizen.  CEOs making more money now in our ongoing recession than the profit-taking of the 90s are shameful to every out of work and hard-working employee of corporate America.  I think that every American should know that their employer's CEO is making 263 times what they earn on average!
“Meanwhile, American workers are taking home less in real weekly wages than they did in the 1970s.  So much for the idea that the financial crisis would somehow even things up by wiping out a good chunk of paper wealth of the plutocrats.  Indeed, stock prices have surged so much since last year that many CEOs, who receive a good chunk of their pay in equity, are wealthier than ever before.” Rana Foroohar writes.
This article is loaded with facts about how in general the more CEOs laid off workers the more money they made personally.  How can one sleep at night directly responsible for cutting thousands of family incomes while profiting and pocketing 50% more personal income?  The system seems ruthless and broken.  What the average person fails to realize is that they are the enablers of their own slavery.  As long as they go along with the system they stand to lose everything.  When at last they get angry and start making some noise, they stand to win battle after battle.  The power of numbers remains in the many, the people.  It is the corporate media that continues to propagate the broken record of this broken society.  Turn off that corporate biased television and start reading more balanced information.  Corporate America is feeding viewers more recession, job cutbacks, benefit rollbacks, and class stratification than the average American can stand much longer.  Get mad and start complaining.  At least ask questions and do not allow anyone to tell you that this is just how the system works. Mad As Hell!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Newsweek gets it right!

I found some articles from Newsweek that actually stimulated cognitive thought and did not support the corporate message onslaught. For example I found this article useful and balanced. The Islam Idiots

The article is fair and does not support Islam outright. David Gram counter-bashes a few Islamic bashing people protesting a new Mosque on Ground Zero. He makes a great case about persons who simply bash Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, an Islamic spiritual leader in New York. David writes that the pundits sound like they are attacking Iman Feisal Abdula Rauf without actually researching the man's actions and words. Making claims against in favor of Islam definitely must be done with cognitive thinking on both sides of the fence. This is also another reason to look at what a terrorist uses for guidance in blowing people and himself into hamburger: The Koran.

In reality then, it does not matter what friendly face you put on Islam or any organized religion. The true measurement of the evils of organized religion remains the books that men write in order to enslave cognitive thinking. Also there is a enormous difference between spiritualism and organized religion. I see Americans waking up more every day to spiritualism that gives them the right to think with their own free brain.

The best article recently also in Newsweek was written by Fareed Zakaria in a September 4th issue. In this article Fareed exposes some of the injustices our government has taken against its own citizenry in the name of fighting terrorism. The overreaction shows exactly what is wrong when the government takes our civil liberties away and Constitutional guarantees; abuse! The evidence that we have overreacted to 9-11 remains convincingly strong. Any doubts that 9-11 itself was a carefully orchestrated government conspiracy in itself fall away when observers note how each administration handles situations as per the previous status-quo. No matter what each presidential candidate promises voters the winners of the election seemingly continue to do nothing to return our country to is former glory as a democratic society. Below is a list of activist websites that remain bastions of true change.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are Americans Islamophobic? Or Is the Media Social-phobic?

Click to read August 30, 2010 Time Magazine Cover Story

This Time Magazine article is another bias written article by your news media attempting to show the Muslim faith as a peaceful religion. Seekers of cognitive thought are better served watching this documentary on Islam and understand without bias. Then participate in the news by reading my blog and leave comments. Thanks for your support.

Or World Social-phobia?

This Time Magazine article supports previously regurgitated biased politically correct view that the common American views on Islam constitute racism. Ninety Percent of the corporate control news media wishes to keep Americans in the dark about true Islamic values written in their own sacred book. The best way to keep beat natural goals and promote corporate goals is to pour gasoline on the fiery divisions between the common peoples. It is the common folk who drive gears and power hungry elite. Divisions between commoners prevent unity and form a lynch mob striking the elite to the clutches of an angry mob. Once again the media wants you to shut up. Do not be a racist scum! But let us discover the true bigots of the truth for discovery once again.

Let cognitive thinkers examine the evidence and set the record straight. Common folk need to apply common sense. Just as Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense, let the reader come to the conclusion rather than force it upon him. How dare corporate America tell us how to think about a radical totalitarian state operating system like Islam? Is Islam so much like the totalitarian state we live today in America? Maybe that direction will benefit corporations by seeding slaves ignorant of cognitive thought and slave to mindless media expressions. As people fathom the actual truth let him or her shout it out to the neighbors!

The word racism is derived form the root word race. Those putting people of different races in a lower place among humans are racist. Islam transcends race and color. Personally interviewing hundreds of coverts to Islam of the African American race inspires a great perspective of the nature of Islam. Cognitive thinking does not conclude the same conclusions as the corporate messengers of the news media. The book, holy book the Koran, the perfect book and exalted view of the Islamic god portrays a deity pious of himself written by a proclaimed god man. This god man spread his faith and book of writings with the cunning of his last passages of “the sword.” The sword passage pretty much sums up the rest of the Koran and portrays Islam more of a society of slaves rather than a spiritual thought. How each individual dresses and acts in Islamic society and commits murder to advance the spread of slavery to Islamic ideals overshadows cognitive thought or morality toward ones common neighbor. The spread of Islam according to the book values higher importance to the sword-like passages of the Koran.

Peaceful Muslims - the masterpiece stroked with a brush of deception. The media’s goodly vision of an Islamic membership is a fallacy. Advocates and defenders of Islam say they are the peaceful religion. It is true that their Koran seeks a peace within the Islam-afflicted world. However, anyone outside the literal translation of the Koran in their view is sub-human. Christians, Jews, any faith other than the belief in Allah becomes a sub-human to a true Muslim. Their treatment of sub-humans is to over-run through violent actions and genocide. Advocates and defenders of Islam are correct when they say that the Koran teaches to keep the peace when non-believers outnumber believers. Peace tolerance is aloud for a Muslim who seeks a foothold in the next target country. Peace and tolerance is available under two situations for the Muslim. When the truth would harm the spread of Allah’s word or when the truth would harm the followers path toward conversion or martyrdom. Under the sword passages Muslims are allowed even to lie to non-believers and kill them who get in the way of the spread of their religion.

History shows all religions have spread into the masses of the world via violence and genocide. However, the Islamic Koran is a book written that systematically provides a social way of life for the entire world - or else! These are undeniable facts of the Koran and all the supporting books compiled and understood in full context of meaning. It is the corporate news media and our American government quoting snippets of the Koran to support a peaceful view of Muslims that remains a fantasy. A Muslim following those guidelines is required to kill an unrepentant non believer which is the only action which guaranteed murderers into heaven. Islam is the only religion that belief or good deeds alone do not guarantee their spot in heaven with Allah. Killing non-believers guarantees a suicide bomber the prime spot of heaven. True Muslims kill non-believers. Muslims that say they do not support killing unrepentant non-believers are not following the Koran. They are the ones that are not true Muslims the terrorists are the true Muslims following the law and way of the Koran. Writers showing Allah’s Koran in such a bad light are also targets of murder. A cartoonist in Denmark was threaten, discredited, and sent thousands of death threats when he drew a picture of Allah the terrorist. But the picture is drawn by the words of Allah in the Koran, not by non-believers like me.

I happened to live in the midst of a great number of practicing Muslim males on September 11, 2001. At the time, I was interviewing Muslims and questioning the harsh treatment of females by those who follow the Koran. Atrocious acts of cowardice committed against women in the name of the Koran came to light in the events leading to 9-11. On that day our interview became overshadowed by grave news reports. The grizzly scenes made everyone retreat into private reflection. As a result my presence in the group commanded less importance. I heard great shouts of praise that Allah was great as each mad scene unfolded on the television by otherwise “peace loving Muslims.” Their jubilation overcame the group so thoroughly that they forgot that there was a non-believer among them. This sub-human Christian at that time witness cheering and applause during the first accounts reported during 9-11. They recovered a peaceful facade later in the day when the sheer numbers of people kill grievously reported over and over on the news media. They had to explain how peaceful they sincerely seek. I questioned the many and few would talk about this question if their Koran supported peace or murder. One later confided in me that he is instructed to lie to non-believers to further the cause and spread of Islam. He could no longer handle the message of the Koran and decided his Christian wife was closer to god all along. He confided in me because he lost true faith in the teachings of the Koran. He feared for his life because Muslims are put to death for converting to Christianity where Islamic Fundamentalism reigns as a government. His message to me was that all hidden hatred of non-believers will one day overcome even the United States.

Why then do corporate controlled media need to keep up the facade that Muslim faith is a good faithful religion of peace? Maybe it is in their best interest to keep such a mask on the Muslims. In our present world corporations run America much like an Islamic Fundamentalist state. Look at the similarities between capitalism and Islam. Muslim societies treat women like second class citizens. Great violence against women plagues women who rarely enjoy rights of even an education. Women are treated as objects. Violence is motivation and guiding force in recruiting and daily Muslim life, not the betterment of the human condition. In comparison, the American Media watch group MPA who have full say of what our teenagers watch in movies, music and many forms of advertising and other media forms spend fortunes perpetuating themes that women are play toys and objects. It is okay to show women getting beaten and raped but not okay to show a woman experiencing true sexual pleasure. Sex is a mechanical naughty rather than a bonding of love. Violence sells most movies today affecting teenagers into a frenzy of killing like Columbine. Studies show that violent games and movies can not directly be attributed to like violent teen behavior. It is true that seeing a rape on television can not direct a teen to sexually assault the nearest female. But the whole theme of the media is seemingly to sexually frustrate young people and make them dream that pushing a button to kill an object has no moral implication. I think corporations dream of millions of American teens going off happily toward perpetual war on terrorism. They stand to gain the most by raising innocent teens into slavery toward a military servitude. War is big business. We have a perpetual state of war that even a Presidential promise of change cannot steer toward peaceful aims. The unholy partnership of Government, Corporate controlled media, and goodly Islam, arms manufacturers, and oil corporations, and most of all the bankers that loan them all money have grave interest in keeping you silent. Support our troops or shut up. Support the government policies of perpetual war or shut up. Support that we are peaceful group of praying Muslims until we get enough numbers to overthrow your government or shut up! Support Allah and follow the Koran or die! If unemployed there is always your government’s current number one employer, the armed forces. We will teach you how to treat the scum of the decade and dispose of their dignity and perhaps their life through the sights of the barrel on an M16.

It is not America’s cognitive thinkers who fall to racist views. Racism today is the lack of respect for the human condition regardless of race color or beliefs. It is time all races and religions come together and form a common oath that each human deserves the right to be treated as equals. Governments for the people, by the people, received by the people our first dreams as an ideal country. We elected a Black President with social ideals in his promises. Islam is a faith of racists against people of race. Islam sets the Arab as super-human and the rest is sub-human and will subjugate the world under Arab totalitarianism.

Let cognitive free thinkers everywhere create a new label to counter the constant mudslinging that goes with anyone who promotes issues against corporations, big government, perpetual wars, and divisions of race, color, faith and hope. World social-phobia is an organized effort to keep common people of all race, color, faith, belief and hope from uniting under a common social cause. That cause is a just cause to demand that all persons regardless of previous divisions are created as equals and thus have a common say in all the resources of this planet equally. World leaders once taught these lessons by free thinkers can overcome their world social-phobia.