The Cost Of War

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sen. Dodd Calls For Civility In His Farewell Speech; Says Politics In Washington Is "Completely Dysfunctional'' - Capitol Watch

Sen. Dodd Calls For Civility In His Farewell Speech; Says Politics In Washington Is "Completely Dysfunctional'' - Capitol Watch

This is one hypercritical speech. Senator Dodd sold out most Americans by being the of the most damaging partisan party leaders of all time. This man was a leader of committees entrusted to watch over our financial institutions. He is a corporate sellout. His farewell speech is not even a proper one. You know he gain employment for all the good deeds he did for the rich 5% in this country and land a job as a lobbyist for corporate banking America. Corporate sellouts never die in Washington, they become lobbyists and continue to bend government for the rich and screw the average citizens!

We need campaign reform and better journalism to route out crooks like this guy in our government. We need stiff penalties for white collar crime looting our government tax dollars. We need to watch this dysfunctional two-party system and send them to prison one by one. One side for war crimes and the other for looting our government sovereignty. But do not take my word for it, read all the excellent comments from citizens wrote in on this story:


Declaring that politics in Washington, D.C. is "completely dysfunctional".......
After 30 years in Washington, Mr. Dodd, whom do you think contributed to the dysfunctionality of our Capital....any ideas, Mr. Dodd?

Dodd voted for Nafta, the deal that outsourced our industrial base to China. It was Ross Perot who warned us of the action and Dodd teamed up with Kerry, Kennedy
and Lieberman and now we have some 25 million unemployed.
Good bye Dodd
After 30 years, NOW Washington is dysfunctional? You tool, you are the most dysfunctional of them all, asleep at the wheel as the chairman of the banking committee - how has THAT area of American society been lately? Get any good loans sans paperwork lately?
In 2007, you announced a run for presidency on the Imus show? Might as well have announced it on craigslist. And according to wikipedia, the watchdog group pointed out that the Dodd campaign was heavily funded by the financial services industry, which is regulated by committees Dodd chairs in the Senate.
Worst senator ever. I'll make sure I slap a DUMP DODD sticker on whatever plaque you have your crooked friends erect for you once you're done screwing up the 1/100th of the Senate your fat turkey neck occupies.

The "Gentleman From Connecticut" who gave in to Wall Street who subsequently destroyed the Middle Class in America ... thanks a lot, Chris. But at least you can retire knowing that the Top 5% are more wealthy than ever, and that all of the good jobs have been outsourced to the American South for $10/hour or overseas for $1/hour.
When you think about it, Chris Dodd and the Tea Party support the exact same thing: Darwinian free marketeering, corporate control of America, and protection of the Top 5% / ruling class. Chris and Sarah together would be a Tea Party dream come true.

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