The Cost Of War

Friday, December 31, 2010

Karzai Keeps Corrupt Minister: Just as corrupt as our government who cares?!

This is my last comments on the news in 2010.  In 2011 I will begin to publish my own online newspaper at  Zentralia News will be news from a progressive pro-fair trade view. By reviewing applications of The Zietgiest Movement in every day life our message will apply and promote equality between those people who are in agreement.

On the last major news story of the year, the United States government is frustrated by their lack of influence with President Karzi and the corrupt government of Afganistan.  This story is all about, "Why are we there?"

Are we there to keep military spending at a premium to make certain corporations in our country a windfall profit?  In the past these same actions caused riots among the citizenry to keep their government from falling too far into the mire of corporate corruption.  But the last monopoly the people overthrown was Ma Bell.  Since then the media monopoly subdued the public knowledge with lies, deceit, and omissions.  Start reading real news in 2011 and demand that the military hold our own borders.  If we start demanding our government make the right choices that are fair to all people that would be a great New Years Revolution.  Oh sorry, I meant Resolution.  Seriously it is past time to stand up to our government and demand an end to corruption benefiting only corporations.

Zentralia News is like a news scrap book of the final sell out of our government to the forces of evil by December 21, 2012.  What if the completion of the Mayan calendar cycle is the invasion or passing of the greatest empire of North America Today?  The United States is under a planned transformation that was intended to succumb to corporate corruption, but instead was overthrown by a slave revolt. 

Happy New Years Revolution!

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