The Cost Of War

Monday, December 20, 2010

No, Assange Still Very Much Hoist by the State’s Petard « Blog

No, Assange Still Very Much Hoist by the State’s Petard « Blog

Individuals deserve better privacy rights against those that would subvert justice by using their elite power for injustice. I do not have any privacy regardless of so called, "Privacy policies to protect individuals." Our banker informed us when we opened an account that our information was protected under their privacy policy. However, almost as soon as we received our first bank statement we started getting barraged by phone calls from, "third parties." The bank did not share our demo-graphical information but they shared it with their partners. It is these partners who do not protect our information but sell it to a multitude of corporations. In the end a banks word of honor is a scam. They will sell your information to the highest bidder if they can get away with it.

This is the sort of piracy is an accepted practice in this broken society today. The pirates are allowed to behave badly because they are a piece of paper called a corporation - not a human being held accountable by character assassination. Human beings have inherent rights being free from harassment. Our Constitution contains these basic protections for human beings. Unfortunately a wounded society strips individuals these rights by omissions, deceptions, open character assassination, and government officials working for the corporate pirates. Corporations seek to prosecute individuals for steeling their property, yet they stand like parana ready to rip apart the weak. We need responsible government willing to balance their books in an effort to limit waste. But instead of limiting government and personal freedoms, corporations need a watchful ethical eye to investigate them as a health inspector of ethics. Let the government simply post the worst ethical corporate practices and let a better informed public judge where they spend their money. Government does not have to interfere, just inform the public of ethical concerns. Let the public decide on the action with their purse.

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