The Cost Of War

Monday, November 1, 2010

Voter's Day : Please VOTE!

I have not had much time for this blog because I had a dispute with Google’s Adsense division.  As a result, I have spent time and energy on developing my own blog news hosting and advertising company to replace what I see as corporate encroachment against individuals.  So I will be developing an environment that individuals can grow and support each other more efficiently in a world of corruption.  I want to thank everyone who has supported this blog in over 500 page views received so far.  This is an encouraging response to individual rights and thoughts.

Tomorrow’s midterm election is the subject of my thoughts today on our corrupt government.  It is important that we all vote and speak out against the broken two party system of government.  Issues close to all of us need our representation. Without your vote, your thoughts die in a desert of corruption and tumbleweeds.  Neither Democrats nor Republicans represent the democracy that we are governed under. 

Republicans are advocates of big business interest and corporate money.  Any effort to roll back the rights of corporations, campaign finance reform, or any expansion of rights for individuals the Republicans use fear tactics and corporate lobby money to derail such movement.  Their critics call the Republicans the “Party of NO”, because they vote no on any bill that gives rights or services to the individual.  They only want to represent the individuals who run corporations and represent those with yearly incomes of at least $250,000 per year.  If you do not make at least that much or more the Republican Party does not represent your wishes.  In fact, the Republican Party is the NO Party in regard to 98% of the individual voters of the United States, since only 2% make over $250,000.

How do Republicans get more than 2% of the vote if they represent the wishes of so few?  They accomplish this by being the party of no to individual freedom. Acting as police of morality they bring in voters of religious conservatives.  By curbing religious freedoms and morality they use scare tactics of morality to get the religious votes.  So when they get a vote against abortion or gay marriage they use your wishes to regulate other people behavior and at the same time to regulate your right to a fair government.  If people are truly hurting one another there should be laws on the books against this problem.  But when you try to regulate other people’s vices then you are killing democracy and enabling capitalism.  Capitalism is the opposite of democracy in the same direction as Communism, Fascism, and Monarchies.  The class stratification and control of information in each of these systems expands to defeat individual rights.

You can not dictate someone else’s right to their vices without killing democracy.  In a democracy the government is for the people by the people and the people’s right to know.  What their government is doing is far more important.  This very freedom of information keeps our government in check.  The Republican Party does not believe you have this right and shrouds government involvement in private wars, assassinations, and terrorist activities in the name of ‘national security.”  This national security has nothing to do with the security of individuals in this country but everything to do that masks the involvement of our government in wrongdoing against other individuals. Read the full text of the so called Patriot Act if you do not believe Republicans want to keep citizens in the dark in regard to government secrets and individual rights.  If we knew exactly how much our government knew about the events of 9/11 it would seem as if certain members of our government had knowledge or even aided and instigated the event.  So the next time you vote your conscience for the Republican Party by pointing the finger to regulate someone else’s morality remember there are four other fingers pointing back to the Republican Party for all their corruption. Your vote is very important - yet hardly represents your moral wishes by voting Republican - as they are as criminal in allowing corporations to rule our world unjustly against the wishes of individual people.  Voting for Porky Pig is a vote more for democracy than voting Republican.   In cases where only two Republicans were running, I voted for a write-in candidate.

Write-in candidates validate your wishes more than a vote for the two party system.  If you think that voting for either party is bad, rather than choosing one, write in your own vote.  Vote for yourself, your friend, or your political favorite but do not vote for Republicanism which is the scourge of democracy and against freedom of information.  In one case, I did vote for a Republican Sheriff because he was an incumbent doing an adequate job.  If you know of someone doing a great job, you should go with what you know.  If you do not know to whom you should vote then vote for a write in candidate.  If everyone would vote even for a third party and write in this would show just how disillusioned the public sees the two party system.  If you do not vote then this dissatisfaction goes undocumented for the entire term.  By voting, even voting a write-in-candidate,  you document your dissatisfaction with the system.   It would be a very powerful message against the two party system if neither party, supported by powerful corporate monies, received less than 50% of the popular vote.  And that is why everyone needs to vote.

Please get out and vote tomorrow.  I would love to hear your voice and comments.

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