The Cost Of War

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Summary of "A Nation Gone Blind", By Eric Larsen

Eric Larsen wrote a book on why corporate America seemingly dumbfounds a population bent on turning their minds off the biased propaganda on news media networks.  The book called "A Nation Gone Blind: America In An Age of Simplification and Deceit" eloquently describes a country of once proud thinkers fed to the Acme corporate coyote as blind sheep. Eric depicts the majority of American consumers and voters lulled by corporate news, media, commercials, and most especially caused by network television.  According to Mr. Larsen, an age of simplification caused our train wreck of a society in America destroying our proud nation of do-goobers.  The root cause of this lull into complacency remains the very motivation of capitalism.  Slowly killing our individualist ideals of democracy, capitalism has controlled our government to shape its corrupt forms of deadlock masking the corporate agenda.  The failed motivation of corporate profits destroys democracy as surely as Socialism, Nazism, Fascism, Marxism, and a military coup destroys freedom.  Under unlimited influence of corporate profits the American government has morphed the Constitution of the United States into the Edsel of democracy.  We have taken a five decade plunge via the boob tube back into a the 1800s when America was considered the backwater of society lacking any culture - the missing link between man and ape. In those days profiteers took natural landmarks like Niagara Falls and turned them into a circus oddity of capitalism.  It was this criticism that led the Nationalism of the first Federal National Parks of Yellowstone and the declaration of Yosemite in the care of the State of California.

Nothing seems sacred in the eyes of those who are motivated for pure profit.  The rich get richer and the corruption multiplies their means.  Capitalism in this country needs the same checks in balances that our forefathers build into our democracy.  Otherwise our government will continue in its corrupt ways of toward destruction.  Until America wakes up and views the crap they are fed for what its worth the corruption will never end. 

I highly recommend Eric Larsen's book and reading in general.  Stop pecking crypt-o-English on the Blackberry to your buds.  Turn off the boob tube and pick up a good book like "A Nation Gone Blind."  It will increase your intelligence by at least 10 points!

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