The Cost Of War

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Devastated Communities Look for Answers

The third congressional district has the highest unemployment in Washington state.  The area has lost more jobs in recent years than most other communities nationwide.  The people watched banks and other corporations get bailouts from congress.  Yet what access do individuals have when they need a bailout?  As we turn to government for answers we find the most contrasting races in the coming election on November 2nd.

Here is a video of Denny Heck and his slogan is Give Congress Heck.  I like his message and his sentiment in the campaign videos.  His website:

Then there is the typical opposition of scare tactics.  I find that anytime someone speaks up for the average person you always find opposing scare tactics and war mongering.  Check this out one of the video "supporters" of the opposition even dresses up like radical fear tactician Sarah Palin.  She abandoned her campaign in Alaska when investigators were hot on her trail did she not?  This advertisement slings mud on Denny Heck's message is produced by the so called "Americans for Prosperity."  Which Americans does this group represent?  Certainly not those millions of Americans that lost their jobs across the country.  No we the people of America certainly do not approve of any measure put forward by this elitist group.  The board of directors of the "Americans for Prosperity" list Wall Street and political insiders who have wrecked our economy since Reaganomics.  We have witnessed what happened to our economy with these macro economists in charge: the wholesale sell-off of our jobs to the lowest bidder oversees with no concern for human individuals or human rights.

Of course one day the we will outgrow our corrupt government and enjoy a society of individual prosperity.  But not until we take the money out of the equation.  Money especially from large corporations will always corrupt government.  The Venus Project is part of that dream of a new society.

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