The Cost Of War

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Three Sides to Every Story

Every story divides into three points of view: Religion, Corporate, and Individuals. In journalism every story breaks down into one of these three separate folders. These folders viewed in this manner make for balanced journalism.

Any clouding of a story from these simple divisions turns away from the opinions of what is fair to people and turns toward Corporate or Religious points of view. Narrow groups of individuals will use unnatural containers for fairness to cloud the true issues in regards to life on this planet. These unnatural human dividers of Religious and Corporate points of view become used for the betterment of that select group of individuals.

The first side is that of organized religion. This side of the story purports that organized religion knows what is best for all individuals. Many kingdoms ruled under organization of religion were just as oppressive as dictatorships we are familiar with today. Remember that history always repeats itself and oppression flourishes anytime individual rights overruled by religious separatism. In most cases religion is a device of division. On the basis of religions whole peoples refuse to negotiate and work things out between two different groups of religious backgrounds. Today, politicians and corporations use religion to keep people feeling good about being oppressed. Religion, by its groups, divides people based on zones of comfort of regional upbringing. Human rights activists become a division of religion when they cross the line from asking for fair rights and desire rights for select groups that are over and above all individuals. For example, when certain groups win quotas in the workforce which favors hiring minorities over the average qualified applicant it becomes an unfair practice and a sort of religious benefit. Another example is gay couples pushing for the rights to obtain the same rights that married couples have while not thinking about people living together for purely economic concerns. Laws should benefit all people living together for family reasons or all people but not just because they are a gay couple. Any belief system which groups assert their group should earn a bigger piece of the pie over other groups or individuals is a system of a religious type of view. Spiritual people believe in their personal relationship with their higher power is personal. Organized religion is when more than one person takes a common spiritual system and classifies it for the purpose of enslaving others to the same system. A true spiritual system is one that includes the individual-ness of each spirit and his interaction with the planet and the universe from which his dust came. Man made visions can not have dominion over individuals or divide people in groups. Divisions of organized religion become divisions of barbarianism. Thanking that man-made religion being greater than the thoughts of fairness to all human life is a human error. This error leads to the fallacy of “my group is better than your group thinking.”

The second side is organized corporations. This side of the story purports that corporations should run everything for profit because profit is the best incentive to make things better. Unfortunately history is starting to show over and over that profits do not make things better. Profits move corporations to make things cheaper and sell them for higher profits. Turning over money becomes the only motivating factor and fails to consider the human condition or its environment. The United States Government is an example of the largest corporate run entity in the world today. Everything from the issuing of our money to every dollar the government spends is totally motivated and influenced by giant corporations though their lobbyists and former corporate directors appointed to government positions. The United States starts to fail corporations will continue to appropriate money and propel news propaganda that they are going pull us through these hard times. Big business is bankrupting America today. It remains their agenda to put freedom in the back seat so that they can rule individuals as if slavery existed by law.

The third point of view is that of individual fairness. This side of the story purports that individuals are all created equal and deserve equal chance to prosper and share the resources of the grounds from which they live. Any story inconsiderate of the point of view of individuals is biased against those individuals who do not fit into the mold of the offending group. The third point of view is a populist view and has broad appeal. The views of this nature are popular because the position is fair to a majority of the people. Only views based on issues that give every human being an equal share of fits neatly in to the third point of view. Society reaches euphoria when laws and issues address the needs of all people as equals. The Zeitgeist Movement is a movement in this direction to show people what our society could evolve to building a culture patterned after the Arrow Project.

The Zeitgeist Movement

All life should strive for euphoria in our culture and society. Any other direction will lead to unfairness, towards the point of view of the division from which it was written. In this era, the corporations own, operate, and dictate the point of view of the news media, the government, and in turn all groups. Corporations are the Kings of yesteryear. No attention or coverage exists today with the point of view for the individual. The attempt of this blog brings stories from the point of view of individuals. I agree that the true motivation of most other news will be from that which pays the most money. In this blog, I will side for the fairness of every individual on this planet from the lowliest slave to the highest banking mogul. The spirit of fair and balanced news is the right of every human being on this planet.

Here is a link to an entire movement which states this basic concept of individual rights:
The Zeitgeist Movement

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