The Cost Of War

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Debunking the News Propaganda

I have been cringing under that fact that our news has been taken hostage by corporate terrorism and fear mongering for long enough.  Fair and Balanced news is the product of jounalism.  However news corporations like Fox News have sold out true freedom of press for the corporate dollar.  Fair and Balance in title to hide the unfair and biased message that the corporate establishment knows what is best for you and your family.  Those reich and well to do people are underminding the wealth of our great nation.  That wealth is people like you who they lie to every day on the news.  I will not let them win!  Please take time and watch documentaries that explains how corporate lobbiests have stollen the Constition away from We the People.  Partisipating in blogs helps Americans decide what is fair and balance.  By expressing your opinion together we can see what action is needed to return the country to fairness and balance.  Shout it out!

I highly recommend all Americans to watch this movie about Fair and Balance Jounalism: by BraveNew Films

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