The Cost Of War

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Democracy: Objective Journalism Important for Informed Public Opinion

In a perfect democracy every voter makes an informed decision based on all the points in favor and against making individual government policy. Any decision our government makes which we approve based on biased journalism information will not be in the best interests of not only our population, but the population of the entire world. It is in the best interests of each taxpayer to receive all information about a policy before any government money is spent inefficiently.

The most inefficient use of taxpayers money is on a war. The results of war destroys ecosystems and individual spirit both foreign and domestic. Every voter takes war very seriously. Support for war is withdrawn once deception and omission of fact are discovered at the route cause of that war. However once a war starts, government and corporate propaganda promote to stay the course of such an unpopular war. In the Vietnam war, the false attack on a destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin was the excuse for the government to demand Congress to give the President to open up hostilities against North Vietnam. This outright lie was never retracted in the news even though this incident was proven false. Millions of people died in Vietnam as a result of this one decision. Today, Bill O'Rieley, a Fox News commentator proclaims that all people need to support the war on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Since World War Two when that war received high public support, America has had one unpopular war after another because our government, corporations, and banks lie in order to herd the American people toward a perpetual state of war. Corporations and Banks control our government so its in the best interests of the those in power to keep the United States in a perpetual war since these two entities profit the most from war. Until taxpayers demand information about the policy and direction our government representatives undertakes it will always be a perpetual state of war in our country with the destruction, both morally and financially of our great country. It is in the best interests of Banks and Corporations that they alone keep citizens in the dark and individually bankrupts. By igniting a perpetual state of war, banks and corporations become the sole rulers of human resources, earthen resources, and money which enslaves and perpetuates such complete stratification of society and culture.

Free democratic society can not live in a perpetual state of war and call itself truly free. Taxpayers become slaves in war. It is in the interest of corporations and banks that their slaves degrade into divided groups so that they can never unite with one voice against the tyranny. News commentary - not news journalism - will perpetuate the slavery until all slaves are divided into easily managed groups. News commentary divides voters while journalism includes all taxpayers. Divided stories which from one group to another avoiding the real message that is important to all: We are at a perpetual state of war which only profits banks and corporations. War is a human failure. A society at war is at war with itself. The war on democracy is a war on information. Without correct information people will never understand government policy and democracy collapses into tyranny. People must act to get our government back out of corporate control. Once corporate lobbyists lose influence on government policy then the people regain control of policy as the true meaning of the Constitution.

Here are some sources to reflect which these ideas.

An editorial of a traveler to Vietnam: Travelerdigest

A documentary film on the importance of journalism:
War Made Easy
Trailer by the Educational Media Foundation

The Zeitgeist Movement
A movement away from the established corporate takeover of our planet and its resources and toward a resourced based economy.

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