The Cost Of War

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mudslinging: The Perfect Storm

Today's actual news behind the news:

This is a story about how negative political ads shape election campaigns. Negative ads help divide and conquer the real issues in a political campaign. In a two party political system governments divide people by partisanship of near religious proportions. Banking interest who stand to gain the most money no matter which party is in control do not care who wins. They care who spends the most of the federal tax dollars. They support how much money they can make by who is in power. Most of the time the real money is with the Republicans as business friendly and tax loopholes for the rich. Democrats do spend a lot of money and can be convinced to rush into a war without proper proof or bail out banks by overwhelming them with fear tactics. But overall Republicans could care less about citizens and plenty about making money with corporations. Negative political ads marginalize the real issues while corporations give political power to the candidate who becomes rendered most obliged to the highest bidder of corporate donations.

Taking the big corporate donations out of the political campaigns becomes an impossible task indeed an issue paramount on members of a free democratic society. Unfortunately, taking this smoking gun away from corporations becomes harder than taking a credit card away from a frenzied consumer on the way to bankruptcy court.
Mudslinging has clouded the issues since the days of preceding the two party political system. What follows is a mud-storm of epic proportions developing each campaign into the perfect storm. The storm barely has anything to do with the issues yet this climate keeps voters totally in the dark. In America, our government has suffered what amounts to a hostile corporate take over of policy, spending, and borrowing amounts sending all citizens into bankruptcy.

Corporate political donations act like a buy order on the trading exchanges. For a relatively small amount of money in ratio to the corporate net worth a corporation or lobby group bets on a political candidates ability to get elected and represent their needs in Congress. Thus a Congress moves not in the interests of "We the People" as appropriated in the Constitution. The "on call" buy order placed back during the election campaign empowers the corporate take-over of that Congress. We the people of this great country allowed this to happen in the Reagan era before which balanced time was appropriated to each candidate. Any advertisement over the airwaves by one candidate was obligated by the FCC to run equal air time for opposition candidates.

Now candidates who have the most backing can outspend those with weaker funding. Under these guidelines political candidates are obliged to the biggest spenders who supported them with the most mudslinging and airtime thereby winning their elections. Before Reaganomics, campaigns were limited by the time that their weaker opponents could purchase and government aired on public broadcasting channels. Political campaigns and news media covering them limited mudslinging in the past to the final days prior to election day. Now Mudslinging starts for three solid months before elections bought and paid for in corporate favor-pleading-millions in donations.

This is why for thirty years our government has destroyed our labor unions, destroyed protections that keep factory jobs being shipped abroad, and ripped away personal defense like Constitutional guarantees.

Getting our Congress, President, and Judicial systems back on track laid out by the Constitution will be an uphill battle to the death. Each true patriot must educate their children, family and close friends about this important issue. They must shout it out to those that will listen until their last days. Information and examining history are important factors in maintaining a democracy.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Democracy: Objective Journalism Important for Informed Public Opinion

In a perfect democracy every voter makes an informed decision based on all the points in favor and against making individual government policy. Any decision our government makes which we approve based on biased journalism information will not be in the best interests of not only our population, but the population of the entire world. It is in the best interests of each taxpayer to receive all information about a policy before any government money is spent inefficiently.

The most inefficient use of taxpayers money is on a war. The results of war destroys ecosystems and individual spirit both foreign and domestic. Every voter takes war very seriously. Support for war is withdrawn once deception and omission of fact are discovered at the route cause of that war. However once a war starts, government and corporate propaganda promote to stay the course of such an unpopular war. In the Vietnam war, the false attack on a destroyer in the Gulf of Tonkin was the excuse for the government to demand Congress to give the President to open up hostilities against North Vietnam. This outright lie was never retracted in the news even though this incident was proven false. Millions of people died in Vietnam as a result of this one decision. Today, Bill O'Rieley, a Fox News commentator proclaims that all people need to support the war on Iraq and Afghanistan.

Since World War Two when that war received high public support, America has had one unpopular war after another because our government, corporations, and banks lie in order to herd the American people toward a perpetual state of war. Corporations and Banks control our government so its in the best interests of the those in power to keep the United States in a perpetual war since these two entities profit the most from war. Until taxpayers demand information about the policy and direction our government representatives undertakes it will always be a perpetual state of war in our country with the destruction, both morally and financially of our great country. It is in the best interests of Banks and Corporations that they alone keep citizens in the dark and individually bankrupts. By igniting a perpetual state of war, banks and corporations become the sole rulers of human resources, earthen resources, and money which enslaves and perpetuates such complete stratification of society and culture.

Free democratic society can not live in a perpetual state of war and call itself truly free. Taxpayers become slaves in war. It is in the interest of corporations and banks that their slaves degrade into divided groups so that they can never unite with one voice against the tyranny. News commentary - not news journalism - will perpetuate the slavery until all slaves are divided into easily managed groups. News commentary divides voters while journalism includes all taxpayers. Divided stories which from one group to another avoiding the real message that is important to all: We are at a perpetual state of war which only profits banks and corporations. War is a human failure. A society at war is at war with itself. The war on democracy is a war on information. Without correct information people will never understand government policy and democracy collapses into tyranny. People must act to get our government back out of corporate control. Once corporate lobbyists lose influence on government policy then the people regain control of policy as the true meaning of the Constitution.

Here are some sources to reflect which these ideas.

An editorial of a traveler to Vietnam: Travelerdigest

A documentary film on the importance of journalism:
War Made Easy
Trailer by the Educational Media Foundation

The Zeitgeist Movement
A movement away from the established corporate takeover of our planet and its resources and toward a resourced based economy.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hamid Karzai: Second Chance to Lead His People Fairly

Today’s story is an interview with Hamid Karzai the leader of Afghanistan where our young men die for a country with totally different religion and values. (Can someone do a story for me about what credentials our government has in taking care of conflicts with peoples of such starkly different beliefs? Did we not once fund those people who we fight in Karzai’s country? Did we not help building paramilitary groups who purportedly claimed victory on 9/11 to overthrow the occupation of the Soviet Union? I want to see more coverage of these stories.) People concerned with corporate issues will want these views to shut up. But this blog is all about shouting out the rights of individuals everywhere. Taking time expressing the individualist point of view in Afghanistan all people win equally. The individualist wins along with members of Afghanistan when news gains the ability to seek their points of view. This is a great opportunity for all Afghanis to stand behind Karzi. Although Karzi apparently bought his election this incentive buys a second chance at helping his nation rebuild a workable society in which people prosper.

This story shows that Karzai is willing to stand up and speak out about wrongdoing of American subcontractors in his country. Karzai takes a first step toward credible handing issues of his people. The story shows that money and profits overshadow true security for his people and everyone involved in Afghanistan. The corporate news will not spotlight this story because it simply is not profitable. In addition it shows corporations in a bad light which shines to remind people that certain things should never be organized for-profit companies. For profit no matter how much their PR campaigns build propaganda about how individuals prosper, individuals are of its last concerns. This story can be run on the headline of human interest. If Hamid Karzai continues to show leadership in stepping up for the rights of individuals of his country then he has a chance earning credible backing of his people. Corporate wants his people and his resources. Regardless of people corporations seek nothing but exploitation of people and hording of resources. Corporations would love to partner with Karzai to exploit his workforce and resources. Leading his people, Karzai must step into any negotiations with corporate investment in his country and demand the same standards of counties whose factories now lay dormant and resources stripped.

Here are some related links, stories, and documentaries which show examples of how corporations exploit developing people everywhere:
Walmart: The high Cost of Low Prices, by Brave New Films

A documentary on how food corporations deliver food in the USA by Food Inc.

Three Sides to Every Story

Every story divides into three points of view: Religion, Corporate, and Individuals. In journalism every story breaks down into one of these three separate folders. These folders viewed in this manner make for balanced journalism.

Any clouding of a story from these simple divisions turns away from the opinions of what is fair to people and turns toward Corporate or Religious points of view. Narrow groups of individuals will use unnatural containers for fairness to cloud the true issues in regards to life on this planet. These unnatural human dividers of Religious and Corporate points of view become used for the betterment of that select group of individuals.

The first side is that of organized religion. This side of the story purports that organized religion knows what is best for all individuals. Many kingdoms ruled under organization of religion were just as oppressive as dictatorships we are familiar with today. Remember that history always repeats itself and oppression flourishes anytime individual rights overruled by religious separatism. In most cases religion is a device of division. On the basis of religions whole peoples refuse to negotiate and work things out between two different groups of religious backgrounds. Today, politicians and corporations use religion to keep people feeling good about being oppressed. Religion, by its groups, divides people based on zones of comfort of regional upbringing. Human rights activists become a division of religion when they cross the line from asking for fair rights and desire rights for select groups that are over and above all individuals. For example, when certain groups win quotas in the workforce which favors hiring minorities over the average qualified applicant it becomes an unfair practice and a sort of religious benefit. Another example is gay couples pushing for the rights to obtain the same rights that married couples have while not thinking about people living together for purely economic concerns. Laws should benefit all people living together for family reasons or all people but not just because they are a gay couple. Any belief system which groups assert their group should earn a bigger piece of the pie over other groups or individuals is a system of a religious type of view. Spiritual people believe in their personal relationship with their higher power is personal. Organized religion is when more than one person takes a common spiritual system and classifies it for the purpose of enslaving others to the same system. A true spiritual system is one that includes the individual-ness of each spirit and his interaction with the planet and the universe from which his dust came. Man made visions can not have dominion over individuals or divide people in groups. Divisions of organized religion become divisions of barbarianism. Thanking that man-made religion being greater than the thoughts of fairness to all human life is a human error. This error leads to the fallacy of “my group is better than your group thinking.”

The second side is organized corporations. This side of the story purports that corporations should run everything for profit because profit is the best incentive to make things better. Unfortunately history is starting to show over and over that profits do not make things better. Profits move corporations to make things cheaper and sell them for higher profits. Turning over money becomes the only motivating factor and fails to consider the human condition or its environment. The United States Government is an example of the largest corporate run entity in the world today. Everything from the issuing of our money to every dollar the government spends is totally motivated and influenced by giant corporations though their lobbyists and former corporate directors appointed to government positions. The United States starts to fail corporations will continue to appropriate money and propel news propaganda that they are going pull us through these hard times. Big business is bankrupting America today. It remains their agenda to put freedom in the back seat so that they can rule individuals as if slavery existed by law.

The third point of view is that of individual fairness. This side of the story purports that individuals are all created equal and deserve equal chance to prosper and share the resources of the grounds from which they live. Any story inconsiderate of the point of view of individuals is biased against those individuals who do not fit into the mold of the offending group. The third point of view is a populist view and has broad appeal. The views of this nature are popular because the position is fair to a majority of the people. Only views based on issues that give every human being an equal share of fits neatly in to the third point of view. Society reaches euphoria when laws and issues address the needs of all people as equals. The Zeitgeist Movement is a movement in this direction to show people what our society could evolve to building a culture patterned after the Arrow Project.

The Zeitgeist Movement

All life should strive for euphoria in our culture and society. Any other direction will lead to unfairness, towards the point of view of the division from which it was written. In this era, the corporations own, operate, and dictate the point of view of the news media, the government, and in turn all groups. Corporations are the Kings of yesteryear. No attention or coverage exists today with the point of view for the individual. The attempt of this blog brings stories from the point of view of individuals. I agree that the true motivation of most other news will be from that which pays the most money. In this blog, I will side for the fairness of every individual on this planet from the lowliest slave to the highest banking mogul. The spirit of fair and balanced news is the right of every human being on this planet.

Here is a link to an entire movement which states this basic concept of individual rights:
The Zeitgeist Movement

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Debunking the News Propaganda

I have been cringing under that fact that our news has been taken hostage by corporate terrorism and fear mongering for long enough.  Fair and Balanced news is the product of jounalism.  However news corporations like Fox News have sold out true freedom of press for the corporate dollar.  Fair and Balance in title to hide the unfair and biased message that the corporate establishment knows what is best for you and your family.  Those reich and well to do people are underminding the wealth of our great nation.  That wealth is people like you who they lie to every day on the news.  I will not let them win!  Please take time and watch documentaries that explains how corporate lobbiests have stollen the Constition away from We the People.  Partisipating in blogs helps Americans decide what is fair and balance.  By expressing your opinion together we can see what action is needed to return the country to fairness and balance.  Shout it out!

I highly recommend all Americans to watch this movie about Fair and Balance Jounalism: by BraveNew Films