The Cost Of War

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Changes In Thinking: American Citizen Empowerment Movements

The Coffee Party is really onto something with their latest movement against corporations.  They are trying to get through to the people that corporations do not equal people.  This statement means that people are guaranteed equal protection under our Constitution.  Since 1886 corporations have also enjoy protections from human activism under the same constitutional rights.  However people all over America are noticing that giving corporations equal protection reduces democracy for people in an inequitable equation.  They have reduced this message to: corporation ≠ people.

The Coffee Party should be very effective with this simple message to all citizens that they need to fight for true democracy not capitalism.  They seek to overturn recent Supreme Court rulings saying corporations under the First Amendment should be allowed to give unlimited dollars to political campaigns.  I hope this message becomes one with other movements gathering strength across the world.  There are many good ideas on the internet today to help ordinary people gain true equality enabling their human right to fulfill higher steps of ladder of liberty.  If the Coffee Party shows leadership which allows most people confidence in a main stream movement it will be a successful one.

Using logic citizens can comprehend that misinformation propaganda from corporations keeps many citizens ignorant about the true nature of corporate efforts lobbying our government.  This is a proposal of epic proportions rising from cognitive reflection of the history of the world:

Start a grass roots local information campaign giving free information about the benefits of true democracy. Explain why current leverage of corporations is detrimental to democracy.  Give people tools to resist aiding corporations who donate an inequitable amount of funds to political campaigns – boycotts!

Educate people free of charge that true democracy equates equality.  Corporations equate the old monarchy system of serfs and nobles.  Citizens’ interests are in equality when people deal with people on an equal basis.  Groups of people use corporations to gain unfair advantages over other people.  This is a tribal mentality of corporations and it only leads to conflict and makes problems into issues.  To side with corporations, the Supreme Court enables poor ethics in government.  They side with conflict and the constant creation of issues.  People need to demand an ethical government for, by, and of the people.

To this end people should demand a certificate program for all lawmakers and public servants.  We certify CPA’s and all manner of professional workers.  Why do lawmakers get a job without any qualifying bodies?  Do their votes qualify them as ethical representatives of the people?  Perhaps a citizen group at the local level should form in each district and certify each candidate and current lawmakers have been through a community program of ethics.  Each local authority shall be from ordinary citizens and demand lawmakers make laws that affect all people as equals.  Any time a lawmaker votes for a law which divides the people or gives favoritism to corporations over the people, or enables monopolies then that lawmaker should have their certification pulled by citizens groups.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year friends and family!  I received a vision that can not possibly go wrong if I agree that equality should rule in a wholesome world.
You have to commercialize the message.